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                ABOUT US




                • 分类:关于我们
                • 发布时间:2019-05-11 00:00:00
                • 访问量:0



                       皇冠是香港燃气具知名品牌,早▲在改革开放初期,皇冠炉具便已风行中国大陆,成为那个时期的家庭迈向现代化生活的标志之一。在引领时尚风气之先的广东地区,令香港的皇冠制造商们印象深刻并为之感动的是,许多广东青年将皇冠炉具作为结婚嫁妆,披红挂紫迎入新门。时至今日,香港工业早已移师大陆,但皇冠炉具在香港市民中已然深入㊣ 人心。在广州,深圳等地区,皇冠品牌依旧是品质的保证,皇冠产品始终以香港这个华人之光的符号,印证每一款产品的品质,精工制造的印记,安全稳健的保证,时尚风向的定位,始终贯穿皇冠产品的生产和使用。




                Crown is Hong Kong gas with well-known brands, in the early years of reform and opening up, crown gas stoves has been popular in mainland China, became the home of the period marching toward one of the hallmarks of modern life. In leading the fashion trend of Guangdong Province, Hong Kong makers of crown impression profound and moved, many Guangdong Youth crown stove as a wedding dowry, Phi hung hung purple welcomed into the new door. Today, Hongkong industry has moved to the mainland, but the crown has deeply rooted in the people of Hongkong in the stove. In Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other regions, the Crowne Plaza brand is still a guarantee of quality, crown products always in the light of the Hong Kong Chinese symbol, confirms each a product quality, Seiko manufacturing imprint, guarantee the safe and steady and fashion direction positioning, and always runs through crown products production and use. .

                  Crown trademark holder, Li Jian, chairman of the board of directors lived overseas for many around the world to pursue an quality crown footprint, comprehend the Royal classic, the company to project share system, set of assets, technology, quality for physical, R & D, design, sales and service as a whole. Products with European style and integration of the natural and harmonious beauty and the beauty of decorative now, and strive to realize the fashion and classic, the perfect combination of quality and quality, and is committed to make the crown Chuwei become integrated group of companies.




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